Since almost day one

Mom hugging son in black and white photo

Rowan was first in front of my camera when he was just learning to sit up, and he was squishy cute then! I am not sure if he wants to be described as squishy cute now, but it’s the truth - he is still squishy cute. He is also super fun and funny. I super appreciated all our laughs and his patience with all of us as we captured photos.

A few lessons to share from this session:

  • When the weather is questionable it can be wise to go for it! You might get the beach to yourself and some sweet light and perfect wind in your hair.

  • Bring the grandparents, capturing photos of grandchildren and grandparents is so special and will only grow in meaning.

  • Let your kid be your kid! Goofing around is a big part of the fun we will have and my patience is bottomless (for your kids, more than my own probably.)

I am so thankful to continue capturing this family’s growth, change and personalities. They truly are wonderfully kind, fun and beautiful at being themselves.

Thank you!


Jazz & Sidney, flower and fruit anniversary


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